Product Ordering Biz Api

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PA Market

POST /productOrder Key Points

1. PREPAID Order

  1. Category identifies whether the user is Prepaid.

  2. refers to plan id.

  3. refers to the service number or MSISDN.

  4. In response, state field examples are - rejected, completed, etc.

  5. In negative scenarios, we get "cancellation reason " in the API response. For example- Oferta invalida etc.

  6. No queryParams required for prepaid orders.

  7. For sample req, Please refer example API specification section.

  8. Please refer to below error sample for any provisioning error from OCS.

  9. is mandatory to identify the channel.

Limitations :-

  1. current API will accept only one offer and provision same.

Possible response error

[409] Conflict
    "category": "PREPAID",
    "orderDate": "2023-10-23T05:27:28.261-04:00",
    "cancellationReason": "Oferta invalida",
    "state": "rejected",
    "productOrderItem": [
            "id": "1",
            "quantity": 1,
            "action": "add",
            "productOffering": {
                "id": "1234",
                "name": "",
                "@referredType": "Campaing Offer"
    "relatedParty": [
            "id": "65554122",
            "@referredType": "logicalResource"
    "@type": "ProductOrder"
